Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Introductions are in order.

My name is Chris and I am going through some things right now. I've recently heard that extensive writing can help maintain physical health, brain function, and emotional balance. Sounds like a good reason to start a blog to me.

I have currently been diagnosed with two disorders, Asperger Syndrome and Sjogren's Syndrome. I used to write fiction extensively and was even published a few times long before the advent of online self publishing. I would like to begin that again soon, if possible.

With Asperger's I have always had a shot gun approach to life. Aiming for too many things at once and never actually hitting (completing) anything. I wasn't officially diagnosed until fairly recently, as I was a young girl at a time when they only looked for ADHD in young boys, and no one had even heard of Asperger Syndrome. Oh the joys of reaching the 90 to 98 percent point on any given project, just to drop it at that point leaving it uncompleted.

Sjogren's is actually a bit easier to live with, as it is more physical rather than mental/emotional. I take my medication, see my doctors and keep my symptoms stabilized.

There is just one more thing. I have been pretty much addicted to self-help programs. I no longer have any idea of how much money I've spent through the years on various books, classes, online seminars, DVD programs and more. Often they help in the short term without sticking for the long term. With books, they are frequently purchased with the best of intentions, put on the bookshelf and forgotten.

I am currently using one online course and reading a couple of books which all seem to fit well with each other. Other than pushing myself to actually DO the exercises rather than just reading about them, they all seem to be helping me at the moment. As I see the next sparkly object, I keep reminding myself of what the Cheshire Cat said in Alice in Wonderland. "If you don't know where you are going, any road will take you there." I need to remember where I am going and stay on the same road until I get there.

How's this for a first entry?

Be Back tomorrow.

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