Wednesday, February 3, 2016


Every time I think I am getting a handle on this blogging thing, it gets away from me.

Okay, so I have had some medical issues come up to steal away my time, but that is not the only culprit. Thanks to a daughter who won't leave home my house is a cluttered mess. It is truly awful. With my medical condition I simply cannot keep up with cleaning up after myself, my daughter AND her dog.

My father always told me that a cluttered environment creates a cluttered mind. I'm not sure if the causality is correct, but I have learned through the years that the two certainly go hand in hand. When I have a clean house I have a clear mind, but when either the condition of the house or my mind slip, the other follows in very short order. Shortly thereafter procrastination becomes the order of the day as I don't want to face either the clutter in my mind or my house.

Keeping this short so I can get to work on the house.

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